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<b>Great tax advantages to owning<b>

페이지 정보



전에도 몇번 올린적 있는 patrick.net 을 다시 올립니다. 첨보시는분 읽어 보세요 재미 있습니다. (물론 과장된 내용도 있습니다.)


"There are great tax advantages to owning."
FALSE. The tax advantage is not significant compared to the large monthly loss from owning. For example, it is far cheaper to rent in the San Francisco Bay Area than it is to own that same house, even with the deductibility of mortgage interest figured in. It is possible to rent a good house for $1800/month. That same house would cost about $700,000. Assume 6% interest, and we can see that a buyer loses at least $4,936 per month by buying. Renting is a loss of course, but buying is a much bigger loss.
Rent: $1,800
Monthly Loss: $1,800

Property Tax: $486 ($729 per month at 1.25% before deduction, $486 lost after deduction.)
Interest: $2,333 ($3500 per month at 6% before deduction, $2333 lost after deduction.)
Other Costs: $450 (Insurance, maintenance, long commute, etc.)
Principal loss: $1,667 (Modest 3% yearly loss on $700,000. Reality will be much worse.)
Monthly Loss: $4,936

This is a very conservative estimate of the loss from owning per month. If you include a realistic decline in house prices, as in this rent-vs-own calculator, you'll see that owning right now is a very poor choice. Here's a more optimistic calculator which ignores price changes entirely. House value losses will stop eventually, but it could take 5 or 10 years to bottom out.

Many people believe you can just reduce your income tax by the amount you pay in interest, but that's not true. Buyers do not deduct interest from income tax; they deduct interest from taxable income. Interest is paid in real pre-tax dollars that buyers suffered to earn. That money is really entirely gone, even if the buyer didn't pay income tax on those dollars before spending them on mortgage interest. You don't get rich spending a dollar to save 30 cents!

Of course the creeping AMT will eliminate the mortgage interest deduction soon anyway. Ah, you didn't know that there are limits to the mortgage interest deduction and that more and more people are hitting that limit every year?

Buyers do not get interest back at tax time. If a buyer gets an income tax refund, that's just because he overpaid his taxes, giving the government an interest-free loan. The rest of us are grateful.

If your mortgage interest is 6%, and you are in the 25% tax bracket, your loan is essentially at 4.5%.

If you don't own a house but want to live in one, your choice is to rent a house or rent money to buy a house. To rent money is to take out a loan. A mortgage is a money-rental agreement. House renters take no risk at all, but money-renting owners take on the huge risk of falling house prices, as well as all the costs of repairs, insurance, property taxes, etc. Since you can rent a house for 2% of its price, but have to pay 6% to borrow the equivalent amount of money, it is much cheaper to rent the house than to rent the money.

Then there's earthquake insurance. It's really expensive, so most people just skip it and risk everything on the chance that no earthquake will happen.

작성일2007-03-10 20:52

걱정 3님의 댓글

걱정 3
하이고 이거 올려 놓으면 집 도 절도 없는 운전넘하고 아이디도 없는 넘 하고 지달 할낀디.  부동산업자 편든다고. 난 부동산 잘 만나서 집이 4채인데. 그마들은 언제나 집을 살꼬

걱정님의 댓글

걱정3 님은 영어가 안되나요?  위의글은 부동산업자를 편드는 내용이 아니라 부동산 업자들이의 말이 틀렸다는 내용 입니다. ㅎㅎ (그런 영어 실력으로 어떻게 부동산을 할꼬?)

님의 댓글

We will see who ended-up with a smile, the renter or the home buyer?
I think 집값 is just an advertised tool for Patrick.
Do you want to smile when you are old, too? Listen to your professional realtor rather than reading a junk article like this.

다읽었네님의 댓글

걱정3님은 딱 첫줄만 읽었나 보군요.
"There are great tax advantages to owning."

절대님의 댓글

이런 기사가 나오는 이유는, 지금 집값이 너무 높기 때문입니다. 아니면 렌트가 엄청나게 올라간다면 진짜 집을 사는게 유리 하겠지만, 그럴일은 거의 없다고 봅니다.

절대님의 댓글

제 주위분들보면 페이먼 능력이 안돼는데도, 한국 친척이나 부모님들께 다운페이 받아서 사는 경우를 많이 봤습니다. 베이에어리어나 샌프란에서 웬만큼 봉급받아서 집 사기는 너무 힘들죠. 부모 도움없이는요....

절대님의 댓글

집 사는 것이 랜트보다 돈이 더 나간다고 해도, 자기 집을 가지면서 생기는 안도감이나 평안함을 생각하면 집은 소유하는 것이 낫다고 생각합니다. 그래도 집을 사기에는 집값이 너무 많이 올랐고 언제든지 내릴 소지가 있기 때문입니다.

절대님의 댓글

지금 많은 사람들이 집을 사야하나 말아야하나 고민하는 것도 여기에 있지 않은가 합니다. 집은 샀는데 나중에 많이 내린다면 글쎄요..그게 그리 평안하지만은 않을 것 같네요. 이쪽 베이에어리어나 산호세 중산층들이 받는봉급(60k-90k)에 맞게 집 가격이 조정되야 합니다.

집산사람님의 댓글

내가 필요할때 사는 것이 타이밍 아닐까요? 어차피 업앤 다운 할건데.. 물론 싸게 사는게 가장 좋지만  기다리며 기사 읽고 정보 모으며 때 기다리다가 평생 렌트 삽니다.
남의 말에 너무 우유부단 말고 사던지 기다리던 자신이 선택하고 그후엔 후회 마세요...

vycznea dl님의 댓글

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bejwqtzd s님의 댓글

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