* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

loan modification 자세한 내용

페이지 정보




For consumer information sheets containing detailed information on specific programs that REALTORS? can share with their clients, please click on the appropriate link below.

. HOPE For Homeowners (H4H)

. Countrywide Financial (Bank of America)

. Citigroup, CitiMortgage

. JP Morgan Chase & Co.

. IndyMac Federal Bank, FDIC

. Federal Government Loan Modification (Participants include: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Federal Home Loan Banks, Hope Now participants, Department of the Treasury, Federal Housing Administration and the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and Wells Fargo.)

Mortgage loan modifications typically are handled on a case-by-case basis. Homeowners having difficulty meeting their mortgage obligation or interested in finding out more about a loan modification program should start by contacting their lender. Prior to calling a lender or loan servicer, homeowners should have the following information available:

. Loan number

. Income information and documentation

. Most recent mortgage statement

. Bank statements

. Letter demonstrating financial hardship

작성일2008-11-21 09:56

감사~님의 댓글

부동산/융자 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
2178 주식하는 분들은 어디? 댓글[1] 인기글 다들어디? 2008-12-10 2439
2177 차압 댓글[5] 인기글 2008-12-10 2464
2176 Loan Modification Update 댓글[2] 인기글 Jay 2008-12-09 2441
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2171 답변글 산라몬 실제 Listing price - with address 댓글[2] 인기글 오사카불나방 2008-12-11 2521
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2169 1st time home buyer’s seminar 인기글 홈바이세미나 2008-12-03 2488
2168 재산세를 줄이긴 했는데요~ 댓글[2] 인기글 ^^ 2008-12-02 2411
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열람중 loan modification 자세한 내용 댓글[1] 인기글 알림 2008-11-21 2436
2154 2008-8-25 글로 답이 되겠나요? 댓글[3] 인기글 미애엄마 2008-11-20 2487
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2151 Loan Modification받으실때 주의하실점 댓글[8] 인기글 Jay 2008-11-18 2472
2150 Mortgage Loan 더 받을수 있는 방법 좀 알려 주세요 댓글[2] 인기글 PeterWon 2008-11-17 2501
2149 Wizard of ID 인기글 XOXOXO 2008-11-17 2455
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