* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

산타클라라 모든 대형행사 콘서트 취소..학교에서 환자가 나오면 모든 학교 휴교할 예정

페이지 정보



With new coronavirus cases, Santa Clara County calls for cancellation of large events, reducing travel

As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Santa Clara County reached 20 on Thursday, public health officials called for new measures to prevent the virus from circulating in the community, including cancelling large gatherings like sports games and conventions, and for businesses to suspend non-essential travel.

He clarified, however, that it doesn’t apply to Mineta San Jose International Airport.

“We’re not treating San Jose airport as a large gathering place,” Williams said.

Asked to clarify whether the request applies to specific events like San Jose Sharks hockey games, Santa Clara County Emergency Operations Center Director James Williams said it would apply to the NHL team.

“This would include Sharks games, yes,” Williams said. “It’s not just a question of Sharks games. There are many organizations that host large gatherings. … We have an obligation to make this apply to everyone.”
추천 0

작성일2020-03-06 09:46

ssamdi님의 댓글

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