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캘리포니아 랭커스터에서 수요일 사망한 17세 틴에이저 보험 없어 urgent care에서 치료 못받음

페이지 정보



7:48 a.m. California teen who died from coronavirus denied health care over lack of insurance: The 17-year-old who passed away after contracting coronavirus despite not having any previously reported health conditions was denied treatment at an urgent care facility in Lancaster because he lacked insurance, according to that town’s mayor. In a video posted to YouTube, Mayor R. Rex Parris urged his community to take the threat of COVID-19 seriously and said the teen “didn’t have insurance, so they did not treat him.” The mayor added: “The Friday before he died, he was healthy. By Wednesday, he was dead.”
금요일에는 건강했고 5일후 수요일에 사망
(CNN)California health officials are reevaluating the death of a 17-year-old boy from coronavirus, saying his case is "complex" and needs further investigation.

The Lancaster teen was initially described as the first known juvenile to die from the coronavirus in the United States.

The teen's case has grown more complicated between local and county officials. In an interview with CNN on Wednesday, Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said the teen died a week ago on March 18.

"On Friday he was fine, on Wednesday he was dead," the mayor said. "That's five days."

The mayor criticized the period it took county officials to determine his death.

"I can't believe it took a week to find out a child in my city died," Parris said.

Teen was turned away at urgent care, mayor says

The mayor said he spoke to the teen's distraught father, who gave him more details on what happened.

When the teen became ill, his parents took him to an urgent care center and were turned away because he didn't have health insurance, Parris said. He was then taken to an emergency room at a local hospital.
Urgent care에서 보험 없어 치료 못받고 동네 병원 응급실로감.

The teen was tested for coronavirus at a hospital and when the results came out, his parents were also told they were infected with the virus, but had not been tested, the mayor said. It's unclear how long it took to get the results.
아들은 코로나 검사받고 결과 받을때 부모에게도 감염되었을거라 알렸지만 검사 못받음.

In a statement Tuesday night, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said it's looking into the case further. "Though early tests indicated a positive result for Covid-19, the case is complex and there may be an alternate explanation for this fatality. Patient privacy prevents our offering further details at this time," it said in a statement.

The county health agency did not respond to additional CNN questions about the case.

A friend of the teen who attends Lancaster High School also tested positive for coronavirus, the mayor said. So did the friend's father.
랭커스터 고등학교 다니는 친구와 친구 아버지도 검사받고 확진 받음.

The teen's father is also concerned for the people who were hugging and shaking hands at the funeral, Parris said. It's unclear whether they knew the teen had died of coronavirus at the time.
사망한 틴에이저 아버지는 장례식에서 포옹하고 악수한 사람들이 감염됐을까 걱정함.
추천 0

작성일2020-03-27 11:24

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