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북가주 베이지역 테스트 센터들 정보

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• Kaiser Permanente has drive-through testing at its San Francisco Medical Center on Geary Boulevard and other locations, but it declined to specify where because patients have to be referred there by their doctor. After being referred, the patient will receive a time and location for drive-through testing. You must be a Kaiser member. It takes four to seven days to receive results.

• Stanford Medicine has drive-through testing for patients who have been referred by a physician. The patient then makes an appointment to go to the drive-through test at Stanford Express Care’s Hoover Pavilion location in Palo Alto, seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Patients are notified of results within 24 hours.

• UCSF is testing hospitalized patients, emergency department patients and other patients who have passed a screening for symptoms. Patients who are not hospitalized should speak to their doctor first. A doctor’s order is required. Only UCSF employees and UCSF patients are being tested right now due to limited testing supplies.

• John Muir Health is doing testing at four urgent care centers in the Bay Area: Berkeley, Brentwood, Pleasanton and Walnut Creek. Patients should call their primary care physician first and if they don’t have one, they should call an urgent care center. Patients must have an order from a John Muir Health-affiliated doctor to get a test. Once approved, each patient will receive an appointment at one of the urgent care centers, ideally the one closest to them. Testing is also available for high-risk patients only at John Muir’s Concord and Walnut Creek emergency departments if they meet screening criteria and have respiratory symptoms. Results take four to five days.

• Carbon Health, a San Francisco-based chain of primary care and urgent care clinics, is doing testing at all of its urgent care locations in the Bay Area and Los Angeles. There are nine locations in the Bay Area. For location addresses and hours, go to https://carbonhealth.com/locations. A doctor’s order is not needed, but Carbon Health urges patients to first use the free online coronavirus risk assessment screening tool before seeking a test. You do not have to be a Carbon Health patient to seek a test; any California resident can get one. It takes three to six days to get results.

• Forward, a San Francisco-based network of primary care centers, is offering testing for its members at its locations in Northern and Southern California, New York and Washington, D.C. Its Northern California clinic is in San Francisco’s Financial District. Patients are encouraged to first use the remote assessment feature in the Forward app so a care team can assess who may have the virus. Those whose remote assessment indicates they are most in need are scheduled for testing. It is available for Forward members only, but the company expects to expand the service to non-Forward members later this week. Results come back in 36 to 48 hours.

• Hayward Fire Station 7, 28270 Huntwood Avenue, 510-293-8617, is offering free testing, giving priority to first responders, health care workers and people who meet certain criteria including symptoms of fever and shortness of breath and recent travel. Results come back in as little as six hours, or the next day, in most cases.

• One Medical, the San Francisco-based chain of primary care centers, is doing testing for its members who meet testing criteria in San Francisco, the East Bay, South Bay and North Bay. Patients must first be assessed by a virtual care team. If they are found to be a good candidate for testing, a doctor must approve the order before giving the patient a location and time to have a sample collected. Results come back in two to three days.

• Sutter Health is conducting drive-through testing in some locations. Only patients with a doctor’s order can get tested. Patients experiencing symptoms must schedule a video visit or call their doctor to receive guidance and see if they meet the criteria for testing. People with mild or moderate symptoms are asked to stay home to reduce further exposure.

• Verily, the life sciences arm of Google, is conducting tests in Santa Clara, San Mateo and Sacramento counties and Lake Elsinore (Riverside County). The initiative, called Project Baseline, requires people to go through an online screening before getting tested; the physician network PWNHealth approves testing and provides post-test consults. Nurses and other health care personnel from the health tech company Hawthorne Effect and Elligo, a research firm, do the specimen collection. Tests are processed by Quest, and results can take several days.
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작성일2020-03-26 11:52

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