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가정법 | 이혼 적합성 질문 시험지 Divorce & Compatibility Quiz Test

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이혼 적합성 질문 시험지 Divorce & Compatibility Quiz Test

의견 ;
이혼 하기 전에 스스로 질문에 답을해서 부부 또는 가정의 문제점을 찾아내는것도 현명한 방법이다.
부부가 서로 다른 방에서 또는 같이 하는것도 바람직하다.
Rate Your Mate :

Are you and your mate compatible? While many people believe divorce lawyers deal only with failed marriages, in fact, the typical family law attorney sees clients interacting at various stages - from courtship to breakup and beyond. Familiarity with interpersonal relations creates a heightened awareness of what works and what doesn’t between spouses.

The "Rate Your Mate Divorce Quiz" is a multi-part test based on the author’s experience as a divorce lawyer. The test highlights key areas such as mutual respect, common interests, children, money, and personal safety. While the test is not scientific, it deals with issues most couples face. The results can help you determine the odds of maintaining a strong, healthy relationship.

Each section is scored individually. After rating each question, total your score for that section. A sum over 50% of the possible total indicates a favorable rating in that category. Refer to the corresponding Comments for the 50% threshold.

질문 ;
답은 넷 중에 하나
답 ; ; ;  전혀, 매우드물게,  가끔,    자주,
Answer) Never,  rarely,  sometimes, often

1. Everyday Actions
Does your mate :
1-1; Remember your birthday and special events ;
ans) Never, rarely, sometimes, often
1-2; Know your favorite color, food, movies, and similar preferences ;
ans) Never, rarely, sometimes, often
1-3; Compliment 칭찬 your appearance, 당신외모에 칭찬을 하는가?
1-4; Say “I love you”
1-5; Smile when you enter a room
1-6; Run errands for you
1-7; Eat a meal with you once a day
1-8; Prepare a meal for you
1-9; Take you to a favorite restaurant
1-10; Plan a special day with you
1-11; Call you when away from home for more than a day
1-12; Do a fair share of household chores
1-13; Tell you when something upsets him or her
1-14; Laugh at your jokes

Comments: Highest score is 56; a score of 29 is over 50%.

Fairness means each partner does something that enhances the couple’s lifestyle: each receives the benefits of their joint efforts. Over time, one partner may begin to do more or less than the other, which results in resentment and discontent.

Like any human enterprise, a division of labor within the family makes sense.
In strong relationships, both partners value the other’s contributions.
In weak relationships, one partner overvalues his or her contribution and devalues the contributions of the partner.

Recent research by sociologist Terri Orbuch suggests that divorce is less likely for men who receive positive affirmations from their wives such as “I love you” or “You’re important to me.”
Wives who lacked affirmations from their husbands did not carry the same risk of divorce.
Ms. Orbuch reasoned that women’s more extensive networks provided affirmations lacking from marital partners.
2. Mutual Respect and Common Interests
Does your mate :

2-1; Treat you respectfully
2-2; Speak highly of you to other people
2-3; Include you in conversations when talking to other people
2-4; Refrain from using profanity when arguing with you
2-5; Speak truthfully, not hurtfully
2-6; Talk with you before making social plans
2-7; Listen when you talk
2-8; Share feelings, ideas, and information freely
2-9; Show an interest in activities you like
2-10; Spend at least 5 minutes a day talking to you
2-11; Share a favorite book, TV program, interest, or activity
2-12; Invite you to join in his/her activities
2-13; Accept your refusal to join in his/her activities
2-14; Share similar religious and/or political beliefs
2-15; Tolerate your religious and/or political beliefs if different
2-16; Share similar attitudes about sex and fidelity
2-17; Share a similar style of communication (e.g., avoidance, argumentative, etc.)
2-18; Join same religious, cultural, social, or athletic organizations
2-19; Travel / vacation with you for pleasure

Comments: Highest score is 76; a score of 39 is over 50%.

Some experts believe common interests and values are vitally important to the success of a marriage. Others contend that communication styles are even more important. For example, if both partners communicate well, and are able to validate the other’s thoughts and feelings, their relationship has a good chance of surviving, in contrast to a marriage between one spouse that argues passionately and another who retreats into silence: resulting in failed communication.

Ms. Orbuch’s research suggests that couples who use constructive styles of conflict resolution are more likely to stay together. Aggressive behavior and shouting matches contribute to the risk of divorce, unless both parties like to argue heatedly, according to John Gottman of the Gottman Institute.

As far as divorce is concerned. The way spouses handle conflict plays a huge role in a divorce case. It may mean the difference between a very expensive, drawn-out court battle and a much easier mediated divorce or collaborative divorce.
3. Children
Does your mate :

3-1; Share an interest in raising children
3-2; Support you when you discipline the children
3-3; Get up in the middle of the night to comfort the child
3-4; Leave work to care for a sick child
3-5; Change diapers
3-6; Feed the children
3-7; Drive children to and from their activities
3-8; Stay familiar with children’s teachers, doctors, friends, activities
3-9; Attend parent-teacher meetings
3-10; Participate in choosing schools and health care providers
3-11; Oversee children’s homework
3-12; Attend children’s routine medical appointments
3-13; Welcome your children from a prior relationship into your home
3-14; Treat your children as he would his/her own
3-15; Comment: Highest score is 56; a score of 29 is over 50%.

As far as divorce is concerned. When parents break up, issues with children can be very contentious. Issues of child custody, visitation rights and child support obligations make a divorce all the more complicated.

4. Money
Does your mate :

4-1; Spend sensibly
4-2; Pay a fair share of expenses
4-3; Plan for your financial security
4-4; Share similar attitudes about money and finances
4-5; Encourage/maintain joint financial accounts
4-6; Insist on openness in dealing with finances

Comments: Highest score is 24; a score of 13 is over 50%.

As far as divorce is concerned. Differences in financial outlook (and knowledge of financial assets) can lead to disputes over marital property at divorce or even hiding money or income from the other spouse.

5. Friends, Family, Work, Career
Does your mate :

5-1; Come from an intact family
5-2; Have friends or coworkers who demonstrate strong relationships
5-3; Support your relationship with your friends and family
5-4; Share holidays with his/her family and yours
5-5; Stay neutral in dealing with your former mate
5-6; Encourage your work and career
5-7; Entertain your clients, customers, coworkers, and supervisors
5-8; Work a reasonable amount
5-9; Maintain a steady job

Comments: Highest score is 36; a score of 19 is over 50%.

Research shows that people who come from divorced families and those surrounded by divorced colleagues and friends are more likely to divorce.

6. Health and Personal Safety
Does your mate :

6-1; Use alcohol in moderation
6-2; Refrain from high-risk behavior
6-3; Take appropriate care of his/her health
6-4; Demonstrate impulse control
6-5; Take an interest in your health
6-6; Make you feel safe
6-7; Control his/her anger and emotions
6-8; Refrain from threatening you, a loved one, or a pet
6-9; Like you
6-10; Make you happy

Comments: Highest score is 40; a score of 21 is over 50%.

Problems of domestic violence are a very important measure of any relationship. If personal safety or physical and emotional health are threatened, other aspects of a relationship, such as common interests and money matters become far less important. If you're in an abusive relationship and need help,
National Domestic Violence Hotline’s website, or contact at
800-799-SAFE (7233).

This test contains many of the same questions lawyers ask clients in order to evaluate a divorce case. Of course, a thorough legal analysis goes well beyond the scope of “Rate Your Mate Divorce Quiz.”
This quiz is nothing more than a tool you can use to ask yourself some important questions about your relationship, and take some time to really consider your answers. You may feel completely secure in your marriage, regardless of this quiz, or it may help you identify some areas that need to be addressed.

작성일2018-08-12 14:17

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