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자녀교육 | After school Program ( Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Santa Clara School Distri…

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Does your child need help with homework?
Our Sunnyvale Location is now accepting NEW enrollments for After School Homework help.

Our program offers:
1. Safe and organized environment for your child after-school.
2. Homework help daily from our experienced teaching staff.
3. Tae Kwon Do classes dedicated to reinforcing discipline, building character, as well as improving physical health and vitality.
4. Additional academic enrichment through hand-picked worksheets and materials to fit your child's levels in various subjects and improve academic weaknesses.
5. Adaptive program that responds to you and your child's needs as they change.
6. Daily snacks when your child arrives. Snack menu varies greatly with tasty and nutritious choices (Notify us if your child has any special dietary needs).

Daily pick up from school included!! For regular schedule and minimum days. Ask about your school's availability.

We accept children in subsidized programs like 4Cs and Choices for Children. Just ask us about what we can do for your family.


작성일2019-10-13 10:54

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자녀교육 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
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