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여기 나온 내용은 Realtor 들이 집을 Listing 할때 마다 하는 그런일들은 아니고  단지 Realtor 들이 일반적으로 알고 있어야할 사항들입니다. 그런데 이정도의 내용은 일반인들도 다 알고 있는 가장 기본적인 상식 입니다.(자세히 읽어 보시면 특별한 내용이 하나도 없습니다)

북가주강남님이 말을 그데로 해석하면 ("집 하나 팔려면 이 정도 이상은 대부분 부동산 업자들이 매일 하고 있습니다.") Realtor 들은 여기나온 기본 상식 알고있고 Staging 만 하면된다는 말인데...

이정도로 3% Commission 은 너무 많지않아요?

북가주강남님이 2006-07-05 17:33:49에 쓰신글
>세상에는 공짜로 얻어 지는것이 없습니다. 손님분들은 부동산 업자들이 그냥 집을 샤인 하나 받고 슬렁 슬렁 파시는지 알고 계시는데...집 하나 팔려면 이 정도 이상은 대부분 부동산 업자들이 매일 하고 있습니다.  10개 을 해서 하나 팔리면 그걸로 먹고 살지요.  미국 속담에 "No free lunch" 라는 말이 있듯이 어느 나라것 공짜은 없습니다.
>Real estate is cyclical by nature. And in our current market, conditions are rapidly changing both in my market and across the nation.
>When showing homes in this current market, I often acknowledge to myself that something is really wrong with the picture. Have you ever gotten the feeing that the home you are showing will not sell in your lifetime? Perhaps pricing, appearance, and marketing are missing from the big picture? It's as though the home was listed without a marketing plan. Someone just placed a sign in the ground!
>The home could sell, but my experience tells me that the home has little or no chance of ever selling as it is currently marketed. Why is this? Inexperience or indifference comes to mind.
>You cannot help but wonder is anyone advising the seller on the homes' appearance, pricing, or any other negatives impeding the sale of the home. But these are all issues that can be corrected!
>Working Real Estate Full Time: Real estate cannot be worked part-time. The nature of brokerage is that you are dealing with other people's costly possessions! It is an issue of trust. So if you aren't giving real estate 100 percent attention, you need to move on.
>The co-oping agent has to pull double duty to get the deal closed. If you work another job, you better disclose it up front! The only person you are deceiving is yourself. Return calls in a timely fashion -- the same day, and update listing status changes in real time.
>Pricing a Home to Market: A real estate professional does not list a home at any price the seller chooses. We've gotten used to listing the home at the seller's price. We did not have to qualify the price. Some agents were just buying the listing!
>Telling the seller the home is worth way more than the market value just to get the listing. The only problem is that now the homes are not selling! We are in buyer markets in many areas of the nation. If you are so sure the home will sell at the agreed upon listing price … then place in the listing agreement a clause that states, "At no time during the term of the listing agreement will you request a price reduction!"
>Identify the Competition: Take off the rose colored glasses, and inform the seller of real current conditions for his home. Competition in price range: from new homes, current market inventory, market absorption rates, offered builder incentives, bonuses, upgrades, improvements, increased commissions and other incentives.
>Determine the Negatives and Objections and Correct: Walk the entire property, and take notes! Notes are very important! Date the notepad, and have the seller initial it. If the home needs interior or exterior paint, carpeting, a new roof, or furnaces -- be sure that it is done. This is why they call the current market a buyer's market. There are more goods available for buyers to pick and choose what they want to buy and they can be negotiated on the buyer's terms.
>Clean and Immaculate Homes Sell: Cleanliness helps homes sell more quickly -- and at a higher price.
>Smelly Homes are Offensive: Vacant homes should be aired out frequently. Odors should never be masked with heavy scented perfumes etc.
>Neutralize Those Colors: Neutral colors appeal to more people, so they have a greater chance of selling. Darker colors tend to be more spatial and confining.
>Maintain the Exterior: Nothing is worse to drive into a great neighborhood that the buyer really likes and pulling up to the house -- overgrown lawn and all. Homes offered for sale where the lawn is not trimmed appear as "foreclosure bait!" The buyer will say, "Next!"
>Don't Posture: When another offer comes in, work it! Don't say I have another offer coming in when you don't! If you do the buyer will step back and wait. Several weeks later when the listing is still showing as, "ACTIVE" the buyer may come back at an even lower price. Selling is not based upon manipulation, or "Liar's Poker!" It is employing time tested strategies, and negotiation skills that allow us to earn a very good living.
>Make Available Your Current Contact Information: Voice mails and recording machines need to forward, or provide alternative numbers where you can be reached immediately. If you are going out of town, or plan to go on vacation, have someone cover for you. Return all calls the same day. Do not have other agents show their listings for you without notifying the client first. That is abusive. If you're going to work real estate, then be willing to do what it takes! Remember, others are depending upon you!

작성일2006-07-08 09:44

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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