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집사지 말아야 할 곳 10군데 (Where not to buy)

페이지 정보



1. Stockton, CA
A huge price run-up in the past few years seems to be an outgrowth of the booming home markets all over California.

But this agricultural-support city seems to have little reason for high housing prices otherwise. It has mostly low-paying industries and ample space for new development.

2. Merced, CA
This is a small, sleepy San Joaquin Valley town that has also benefited from the general run up of California home prices.

One big positive factor Merced has going for it is the opening of the 10th campus of the University of California.

3. Reno/Sparks, NV
Casinos and divorce were the bedrock of Reno's economy. Now you can get a game (or part ways with your spouse) nearly everywhere.

No other industry has arisen to take gaming's place as the economic driver, and many of the old downtown casinos have been reborn as condos, depriving the city of job sites and adding to its elastic housing stock

4. Reno/Sparks, NV
Casinos and divorce were the bedrock of Reno's economy. Now you can get a game (or part ways with your spouse) nearly everywhere.

No other industry has arisen to take gaming's place as the economic driver, and many of the old downtown casinos have been reborn as condos, depriving the city of job sites and adding to its elastic housing stock

5. Vallejo/Fairfield, CA
For more than 100 years the economic engine for this area was a naval shipyard. It closed 10 years ago.

The Victorian and Craftsman houses left behind in downtown Vallejo have proven a magnet for San Franciscans, but slow economic growth won't support the double digit price increases it experienced all through the first half of the 2000s.

6. Las Vegas, NV
Much of Las Vegas's outsized appreciation of recent years can be attributed to buying for investment. Now that has slowed and housing in the gaming Mecca has to stand on the city's own virtues, which include a vibrant, growing economy.

The booming job market, however, consists mostly of middle- and low-paying jobs and there's little to attract big money beyond the tables. That, combined with lots of space, makes it unlikely for home prices to further soar.

7. Bakersfield, CA
Oil wells, cotton fields and pecan and almond growers, as well as country-western music, make this valley city seem more like an outpost of southeastern Texas than the left coast.

It shares with that area many of the factors that work against high real estate prices: low paying jobs, hot summers, uninspiring scenery and plenty of room to expand.

8. Sacramento, CA
California's capital city has a reputation for unexciting living. An erstwhile agricultural town that has outgrown its origins, Sacramento has transformed its outlying tomato fields into tract house developments.

Searing summer heat, choking photo-chemical smog and a paucity of cultural life work against the town's ability to attract the affluent. Even the governor lives in Brentwood.

9. Washington, DC
Prices in the District have run up quite a bit over the past few years; probably beyond the city's ability to sustain.

Many of the big money earners long ago decamped for points east (Maryland shore) or west (Fairfax County) leaving behind moderate income earners and the poor. These residents cannot afford to pay any more for housing than they already are shelling out.

10. Tucson, AZ
Prices in this desert city are not too bad, but they're quite a bit higher than the average working person can afford.

The city's demographics, which include many retirees on fixed income and a large immigrant population working in low-paying jobs, as well as miles of developable land, make it unlikely that prices will go up.

작성일2006-10-27 16:15

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