* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

부동산 에이전트를 인터뷰할 때 꼭 물어 볼 질문들

페이지 정보

큰 나무


* How long have you been in the real estate business? Are you a full-time professional? How long do you plan to be in the business?
* Where do you live? How long have you been in this area?
* What are your educational qualifications and professional credentials?
* What special individual talents or skills do you bring to real estate community?
* What is your rapport and reputation within the real estate community?
* What communities or areas do you specialize in?
* How many homes did you sell last year? What is your sales track record?
* Have you sold many homes in my area?
* What is the average number of days on the market for your listings?
* What is your average list price to sales price ratio?
* How many of those were in our price range?
* How many of your last years escrows "fell through" or did not sell?
* Do you have other listings in this price range from which will be able to attract buyers?
* What kind of marketing plan do you have for our home? What is your policy and experience regarding advertising?
* May I see a sample photo brochure or feature sheet?
* Do you regularly conduct open houses and can we have an open house on as many Saturdays or Sundays as we choose?
* Do you contact other co-brokers on a personal basis with information about your listings?
* Will you be marketing by mail and phone within my neighborhood?
* Do you personally walk the neighborhood with information about your listings?
* Do you do regular telemarketing to attract buyers for my home?
* Do you have an Internet presence? What kind of technology do you use for marketing?
* Is your office automated? How do your clients benefit?
* What improvements should we make to our home before placing it on the market for sale?
* What else should I do to prepare my home for sale?
* What are your pricing recommendations and why?
* How long do you think it will take for our home to sell?
* What kind of costs are incurred during the listing? What are the selling costs?
* How do you plan to represent my interests and how will this differ from other agents?
* What kind of communication can I expect after I commit to work exclusively with you? What kind of report forms do you provide to sellers?
* What kind of administrative support do you have to assist you with all of the detailed paperwork needed in a sale?
* What type of organizational techniques do you employ to handle the complicated selling and marketing process?
* What is the benefit of working with your company? What is your company's market share?
* What kind of cutting-edge marketing techniques does your company employ?
* Can you provide us a list of references that we may call?
* What do you feel you are the most effective agent for my real estate needs?

작성일2006-11-24 16:23

에이전트님의 댓글

질문은 많은데 어떤 Guideline 에서 어떤 결정을 해야하는지  머리는 말해주고 몸통는 모르는 질문뿐 입니다.  그 많은 질문을 통해서 얻은답을갖고 어떤 기준으로 어떻게 판단을 해야한다는 것 까지 알려줘야하는것 아닌가요 ?

옆집님의 댓글

이런 질문을 하여 대답을 얻을때 아~` 이부동산은 뭐가 할 줄 아는 부동산이고 믿을 만한 부동산이구나 하면 쓰면 되고 그럴치 않으면 다른 부동산을 인터붓 하면되죠

kk님의 댓글

거짖말을 자~알 하면 쓰시겠네요.. ㅋㅋ

♂님의 댓글

KK 님은 멍청하신가 보군요. 거의 모든 사람들의 전재산을 사고 파는데 거짓말을 하는가 아닌가를 구별 못하고 쓰시면 벌써 손해지요.
부동산/융자 목록
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게시물 검색
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