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But, the fact is the inventory is low

페이지 정보

큰 나무


Concerning the current real estate inventory level, it is almost impossible
for anybody to know exactly why inventory levels have not followed
increased levels as they have in the past.

Most likely there are many factors in play.  Interest rates, economic
uncertainty just to name a few.

There is one thing for certain  even though inventory levels have not 
increased drastically price levels on properties on the bay side
between San Francisco and San Jose have not shown
any great price reductions.
I expect this to continue regardless of inventory level.
Perhaps you could be correct, added inventory could be a Valentines
present to buyer but it won’t be this year, I think.

중요포인트님이 2007-02-13 14:49:11에 쓰신글
>Is this due to intentional Holding back of inventories or a trend???
>Very important point of this article would be ~~~
>" It’s too soon to see if this is a “blip” or a trend – but in the meanwhile, the best Valentine’s present any Bay Area homebuyer could receive would be for more Sellers to get their homes on the market."

작성일2007-02-13 15:28

북가주강남님의 댓글

Regardless who's Valentine day is goint to be. One thing for sure is that both party has to be happy.  In order to be happy.  there must be a trasaction!!!Period.

중요포인트님의 댓글

I am deeply appreciated for your comment.  As you said, let's see what happens by end of this year.  I didn't say opposit of what you said but it'd be very interesting to see the result with many uncertain facts and conditions of R/E market.  TKS.

중요포인트님의 댓글

One certain fact is that the inventory level is usually low in mid Feb. and it could be a different story from Apr.

북가주강남님의 댓글

Yes, in deed, No one knows what's goint to happen in Apr or end of this year.  So are you going to sit down and worried or take a action.  If the future is uncertain, grab the money and run like hell~~that's what I will do..so long

중요포인트님의 댓글

I already did in Oct. 2005.  I am watching and waiting to get back in but I don't think it is the time yet.  Of course, I missed commercial market but not residential.

뱃맨과로빈님의 댓글

너무 장사 냄새만 풍기지 맙시다.

스파이더맨님의 댓글

무슨 뜻, 뱃맨과로빈?
부동산/융자 목록
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