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Weekly Market Watch in 샌프란시스코 & 페닌슐라 지역

페이지 정보

큰 나무


This posting is from our new president, Rick Turley,
in order for you, especially those
who don’t agree with 북가주 강남님,
to understand the current market activity.

Consumers can get a lot of conflicting information from
many different sources.
You may show interested in real estate when you buy or sell
your own home. However, professional realtors like me are always
thinking about real estate 24/7.
It is our job, as Realtors, to provide you with accurate information
and we are the best source to turn to.

Let me advise you that from time to time we need to look at
whole mountains and time to time we need to look at a tree.
Otherwise, the results come out like the blind man who touches
the truck of an elephant and thinks an elephant looks like a snake.
Anyway, I hope this posting helps you have a better understanding of
what going on in the real world of real estate.

그럼, 잘읽어 보시기 바랍니다

Last weekend’s Super Bowl seemed to have little or no impact on the more than 350 Open Homes our agents provided throughout the San Francisco Bay region. Reports of 148 attendees on a North Bay listing, and over 300 for the weekend at a Menlo Park Open House were not met with surprise. In densely populated areas such as San Francisco’s Noe Valley, it was back to the old days of cars double parked up and down the narrow streets as Buyers scrambled to see the few new listings introduced to the market this past week.

It’s perfectly clear that what’s “not right” with this current market is not enough inventory. We are hearing the same lament in all our offices – from Palo Alto in the South to the Marina District of San Francisco in the North. It appears our offices in North Bay and East Bay share the same concerns. Of the offices that reported declining sales this week, it seems they are the same offices reporting decreasing inventory. You can’t sell it if you don’t have it.

Multiple offers are ruling the day again. Consider our Woodside office, perhaps harder hit in the “adjusting” market of 2006 due to the price point of their inventory. This week they reported 8 sales, of which 50% were in multiple offers. Six months ago it seemed Woodside was very far away from multiple offers being the norm again anytime soon. Burlingame reported multiple offers this week from the $700K price point to a recent listing they introduced at $3M. San Francisco agents are back to asking what the “offer date” is of a new listing, where it’s plain to see that nearly 50% of all sales are going into multiple offers in the City. It’s too soon to see if this is a “blip” or a trend – but in the meanwhile, the best Valentine’s present any Bay Area homebuyer could receive would be for more Sellers to get their homes on the market.

작성일2007-02-13 09:55

북가주강남님의 댓글

Hey 큰 나무님, thanks.  Some people do tend to see one tree at a time instead of  see forest.  But, I am not in poistion to judge anyone here.  Good luck to everyone and hope that 운전님 buy the house soon for his sake.

중요포인트님의 댓글

I hope that you 2 professionals have more broad view instead of watching one tree. It'd be helpful if you analyze and predict future with enough past datas. Don't change your words after 6 months, please.... 그때그때 달라요 라고 하지 마시고 신중합시다

큰 나무님의 댓글

큰 나무
Amen, brother!

You can check the time stamp at the end of posting. Matter of the fact, I really want to change some wording. But, I am not changing them.
부동산/융자 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
1157 here are numbers that everyone asking fo 댓글[2] 인기글 북가주강남 2007-02-13 2469
1156 답변글 As the Batman returns, 댓글[1] 인기글 사이트 2007-02-13 2428
열람중 Weekly Market Watch in 샌프란시스코 & 페닌슐라 지역 댓글[3] 인기글 큰 나무 2007-02-13 2479
1154 답변글 Missing the important point........... 인기글 중요포인트 2007-02-13 2445
1153 답변글 But, the fact is the inventory is low 댓글[7] 인기글 큰 나무 2007-02-13 2512
1152 트라이벨리 - 절대로 먼저 집 값이 하락하는 일은 없다 인기글 뻥뻥뻥 2007-02-11 2328
1151 sacramento housing market 댓글[1] 인기글 I'll Wait 2007-02-11 2532
1150 서브프라임 모기지가 뭐길래..美부동산 `비상` 인기글 부동산 일보 2007-02-09 2309
1149 1월 한인 비즈니스 거래 급증…부동산 경기 청신호 댓글[3] 인기글 융자 2007-02-09 2429
1148 <b>Housing market slower but no re...<b> 인기글 집값 2007-02-08 7823
1147 캘리포니아 리오비스타 지역 인기글 집집집 2007-02-08 2450
1146 답변글 캘리포니아 리오비스타 지역 인기글 Sunny 2007-02-09 2499
1145 주택 경기 바닥 쳤다 댓글[9] 인기글 융자 2007-02-08 2319
1144 답변글 놀고있네 ㅎㅎ 댓글[1] 인기글 NAR 뻥 2007-02-10 2503
1143 답변글 과연 그럴까요??? 댓글[31] 인기글 북가주강남 2007-02-10 2489
1142 융자하는 인도분 소개하고 싶습니다. 댓글[7] 인기글 융자 2007-02-06 2463
1141 투자용 구입했던 주택’시장에 줄줄이 나온다 댓글[11] 인기글 foll 2007-02-06 2479
1140 부동산 시장 '기지개' 댓글[1] 인기글 융자 2007-02-06 2497
1139 Pleasanton 에 집을 사고 싶습니다. 댓글[48] 인기글 기다리고... 2007-02-05 3860
1138 답변글 Pleasanton 에 집을 사고 싶습니다. 댓글[2] 인기글 북가주강남 2007-02-11 2310
1137 타주에 있는 주택에 대한 세금공제문제 댓글[1] 인기글 주택 2007-02-05 2479
1136 美 판매용 주택 공실률 사상 최고 인기글 부동산 일보 2007-02-05 2500
1135 주택경매 공부합시다. 인기글 주택 2007-02-03 2516
1134 답변글 주택경매 공부합시다. 댓글[1] 인기글 지나가던이 2007-02-03 2508
1133 제1회 한인 부동산 박람회 인기글 마이클 강 2007-02-02 2524
1132 답변글 제1회 한인 부동산 박람회 인기글 마이클 강 2007-02-02 2482
1131 비지니스를 팔경우 댓글[2] 인기글 비지니스에 대해 2007-01-31 2505
1130 . 댓글[4] 인기글 . 2007-01-29 3437
1129 Las Vagas -펌 인기글 + 2007-01-28 2498
1128 앞으로 2 년간 집값이 떨어질 가장 위험한 지역 CA 집중 댓글[7] 인기글 특종 2007-01-25 3453
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