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<b>Threat of foreclosure on rise</b>

페이지 정보



요즘처럼 주택경기가 좋지 않을때 무리해서 집을 사게되면 낭패를 볼수도 있습니다. (월수입이 충분하지만 사업 또는 다른 투자 때문에 Interest only 로 하는 경우도 있지만, 돈이 없어서 할수없이 Interest only 로 주택을 구입할경우 조심해야 합니다) 

Foreclosure 는 주식거래에 있어서 Margin call 과같습니다.

Alameda 와 Contra Costa 가 생각보다 굉장히 많군요 (주택대비 절대수량).


County              1Q 2006    Change from
or area              notices    1Q 2005
Alameda            564          9.3%
Contra Costa      605            5.0%
San Francisco  127            22.1%
San Mateo        186            -1.1%
Santa Clara        527            5.4%
Santa Cruz        108          61.2%
Bay Area            2,583        8.3%


Threat of foreclosure on rise in Bay Area

More Bay Area homeowners fell behind in their mortgage payments in the first three months of 2006, and statewide the number of homeowners in default rose to its highest level in more than two years.

The increase in defaults -- the first step in the foreclosure process -- signals that slower home price growth is taking a toll. Homeowners who are unable to pay their mortgages now find it harder to sell their homes at a profit and pay off lenders.
DataQuick's John Karevoll said the uptick in defaults is a normal byproduct of lower home price appreciation. When prices are rising, most homeowners who find themselves unable to pay their mortgages have enough equity in their homes that they can sell, pay off their loans and avoid foreclosure. When price appreciation begins to slow, as it did in the second half of 2005, foreclosure activity increases.

``We knew this would happen, and it's happening later than we thought,'' Karevoll said. ``We thought appreciation was going to come down. We definitely thought the entry and middle markets would be less strong than they are today.''


작성일2006-05-03 22:36

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