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Awards 참석자들과 대화중 해리말끊고 앞에나서서 "루드"한 모습을보인 메건마클

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Meghan Markle sends Twitter into meltdown as viewers think she ‘pushed’ Harry out the way

Meghan Markle sends Twitter into meltdown as viewers think she ‘pushed’ Harry out the way

MEGHAN MARKLE has been caught on camera appearing to push Harry out of the way. (Image: REBECCA ENGLISH TWITTER)

MEGHAN MARKLE has been caught on camera appearing to push Harry out of the way, as he chatted with an award attendee at the Endeavour Fund Awards last night.


PUBLISHED: 04:47, Fri, Mar 6, 2020UPDATED: 08:24, Fri, Mar 6, 202

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The moment between the Sussexes was captured on video by Daily Mail reporter Rebecca English and posted onto her Twitter account with the caption “some familiar Harry and Meghan PDA’S tonight.” It is not clear what Harry was saying to the lady in the footage. As he spoke Meghan put her hand on Harry's back to signal him to move, allowing the duchess the space to move in and shake hands with another guest.

However Twitter users did not think it was a public display of affection. 

One said: “That isn’t PDA. That was Meghan interrupting their conversation, pulling him back so she could step in front of him to take over the conversation. I don’t care, it’s their marriage and I will never judge about that. But the video is clear, please don’t mislead or sugar coat."

Another replied: “ Always pushing herself in front of Harry. RUDE.”

it is not clear what Harry was saying to the lady in the footage, but it is evident that Meghan did not want to sidelined by her husband. (Image: GETTY)

A third exclaimed: “Me first! Me first!”

The footage comes after the pair attended the Endeavour Fund Awards last night at Mansion House.

어워드나잇때 메건이 해리와 참석자들과 대화중 해리 대화 중간에 끊고 해리 앞으로 자리옮겨 자기가 대화 take over해서 트위터에 "루드"하다고 공방중.
항상 해리보다 앞에 나서고 스폿빼앗기를 못참는성격인가봐요.
해리가 참 어리숙한 사람같고 이모든 과정을 해리가 원해서보단 메건이

추천 0

작성일2020-03-06 08:12

등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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