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California scientist warns people to stay away from beaches during COV…

페이지 정보



공기중에서는 오래 생존 못 한다고 하지 않았나요?

As millions of people across the world have bunkered down in their homes during the coronavirus pandemic, they are finding new ways to stay entertained while at home.

For many Californians, taking a drive to a beach used to be a quick and relaxing day trip to get out and enjoy some fresh air.

Now, a scientist in California says that going to the beaches can be one of the most dangerous places to be amid the outbreak, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Health officials have explained that the virus can be spread through droplets from an infected person sneezing or coughing.

An atmospheric chemist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Kim Prather, tells the LA Times that every time the ocean water breaks or bubbles pop, bacteria is sprayed into the air, just like a sneeze.

Researchers say the oceans spray is one of the most widely distributed natural aerosols. That spray forms clouds and can travel across the world in just weeks.

As particles in the air can travel far, Prather says the warning signs tell you not to go on the beaches, but they don’t warn you to not breathe.

While many beaches and parks have been temporarily closed to help curb the spread of the virus, the California Department of Parks and Recreation say more closures will occur if guidelines aren’t followed and parks are still filled with people.

Officials advise people to continue to stay home and practice social distancing.
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작성일2020-04-05 21:52

안개님의 댓글

과학자들은 최근 에어로졸 상황에서 코로나-19 균이 더 오래살고 있다는 것에 기인해 바닷가의 습도를 걱정하면서 이런 이야기를 끄낸다면... 많은 부분이 이상해 지는 것입니다.

보통 감기나 폐렴, 천식, 환자들이 바닷가에서 생활을 하면서 건강을 회복하는데....(심장병도)
이는 바닷가의 습도 자체가 감기에 좋을 뿐 아니라 맑은 공기 등이 있습니다...

또 우리가 보통 가습기를 사용하여 폐가 건조하지 않게 해 줘 감기도 예방한다고 알려져 있는데...
한 부분만 보고 저런 발표를 내는 것은 무리가 아닐까 함.

안개님의 댓글

또 염분이 섞인 해수는 바이러스 표면을 뽀개버려 사라지게 까지 할텐데...
좀 더 많은 연구는 안하고 딸랑 에어로졸 환경 머 어쩌구 저쩌구...

에어러졸 상황은 좁은 환경, 특히 병원 응급실 같은 곳에서 발생한다고 하던데...
이젠 바닷가로 확대하다니...

sansu님의 댓글

Those areas which do not obey "stay home order" will become epicenter of the corona as we see
in Lousiana, Florida.
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