* 욕설, 비방, 광고, 도배질 글은 임의로 삭제됩니다.

Second wave.

페이지 정보



South Korea's return to normal interrupted by the uptick in coronavirus cases.

South Korea has been held up as a paragon for containing the coronavirus, lauded by the world for successfully flattening its curve, it is now bracing for a possible second wave.

But two worlds have emerged in South Korea. In one, everyday life resembles something closer to normal: There are lines outside restaurants during lunchtime; streets are busier; some wear masks and some do not.

The other world, however, keeps its eye firmly on the slight daily uptick in the country's number of cases.

Despite methods like early testing and digital tracing, South Korea is bracing itself for the second wave of infection. The government recently pushed back the new school year, opting for April 6 as the start date. Despite efforts to protect children from being infected with the coronavirus, over 83 percent of South Korea's hagwons — cutthroat test prep centers for students — remain open.

With many parts of the world wondering what a slow return to normal life will look like, South Korea's situation offers a warning: The curve doesn't necessarily stay flat.
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작성일2020-04-05 12:18

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