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Facebook cancels large in-person events through June 2021.

페이지 정보



Facebook is canceling all of its planned physical events with 50 or more people through June 2021 due to concerns about the coronavirus pandemic.

Some of those events will be held virtually instead, wrote CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a post on his Facebook page on Thursday.

Zuckerberg also said the "vast majority" of Facebook employees will work from home through at least the end of next month. The company is extending its policy of no business travel through at least June.

Zuckerberg also said employees who feel they can't return to the office for reasons such as lack of childcare can work remotely through at least the summer.
The Facebook CEO elaborated on the decision during the CNN town hall, saying the company's workers could afford to be hunkered down for longer and should give "right of way" to those that can't.
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작성일2020-04-17 08:53

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