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Fauci anticipates second coronavirus wave in the fall...

페이지 정보



The nation’s top infectious disease expert said Monday that he anticipates the U.S. will endure another coronavirus outbreak in the fall — but by then he said, the country will be better equipped to fight the illness.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, shared the outlook at a Rose Garden press briefing.

“In fact, I would anticipate that that would actually happen because of the degree of transmissibility,” Fauci responded when a reporter asked about the potential reemergence of the virus in a few seasons.

Fauci was quick to note, though, that should the coronavirus strike again “things are going to be very, very different.

“Our ability to go out and be able to test, identify, isolate, and contact trace, will be orders of magnitude better than what it was just a couple of months ago,” he said.

Fauci also said that come fall, treatments for the virus, which are currently in their clinical trial phase, would hopefully be ready for use.

And by then, Fauci said it’s important the government has a vaccine “that’s on track, and multiple other candidates.”

“What we’re going through right now is going to be more than just lessons learned, it’s going to be things that we have available to use that we did not have before,” Fauci said.
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작성일2020-04-22 19:13

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