기타 | e2 비자
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김준서 변호사관련링크
Although it would definitely help if your brother had restaurant management experience, formal training as chef or past experience as sushi chef, however, lack of restaurant experience or skills does not mean that his E-2 visa application will automatically be denied. However, he should be able to explain (also prepare a detailed business plan) as to how the restaurant will be managed and operated (for example, plan for hiring sushi chef, cook, etc.).
The US Embassy Seoul, Korea wants to see that the E-2 applicant will "develop and direct" the E-2 enterprise, which basically means that he has the overall knowledge and capability to manage the business. As long as your brother prepares a detailed plan as to how he intends to "develop and direct" the restaurant, his lack of restauarant management experience/skills should not lead to automatic E-2 denial.
영어사랑님이 2007-08-30 23:55:14에 쓰신글
>동생이 한국에서 치과의사를 하는데 e2 로 미국을 오고 싶어해요
>스시집을 할려고 하는데 한국에있는 미대사관에서
>경험있냐고 물렀을때 사업자나 세금으로 증명해야 e2 받기가 좋은가요
>그렇다면 동생이 동업으로 할려고 하는데 꼭그렇게 까지해야하나요
The US Embassy Seoul, Korea wants to see that the E-2 applicant will "develop and direct" the E-2 enterprise, which basically means that he has the overall knowledge and capability to manage the business. As long as your brother prepares a detailed plan as to how he intends to "develop and direct" the restaurant, his lack of restauarant management experience/skills should not lead to automatic E-2 denial.
영어사랑님이 2007-08-30 23:55:14에 쓰신글
>동생이 한국에서 치과의사를 하는데 e2 로 미국을 오고 싶어해요
>스시집을 할려고 하는데 한국에있는 미대사관에서
>경험있냐고 물렀을때 사업자나 세금으로 증명해야 e2 받기가 좋은가요
>그렇다면 동생이 동업으로 할려고 하는데 꼭그렇게 까지해야하나요
작성일2007-08-31 15:35
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