자녀교육 | 대학진학시 토플점수가 필요한가요?
페이지 정보
sung jung관련링크
sunny junc님이 2008-04-11 02:07:51에 쓰신글
> 저희는 E2 비자를 소지한 순수 한국인인데 이럴경우 아이가 대학진학시에
>토플점수가 필요한가요? 여기 온지는 1년 반 가까이 되어간답니다.
>경험자 여러분의 고견에 미리 감사드립니다.
You may take SAT even if you didn't attend high school in U.S. for four years, but college recommends to take TOFEL when you consider yourself a foreign student or for the students who were in ELD class for the most of the high school year---mainly because English section is much easier than SAT(however, those students who took TOFEL will be placed in ELD English class in college most of the cases)
> 저희는 E2 비자를 소지한 순수 한국인인데 이럴경우 아이가 대학진학시에
>토플점수가 필요한가요? 여기 온지는 1년 반 가까이 되어간답니다.
>경험자 여러분의 고견에 미리 감사드립니다.
You may take SAT even if you didn't attend high school in U.S. for four years, but college recommends to take TOFEL when you consider yourself a foreign student or for the students who were in ELD class for the most of the high school year---mainly because English section is much easier than SAT(however, those students who took TOFEL will be placed in ELD English class in college most of the cases)
작성일2008-04-16 09:32
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